BU2BI 發表於 2013-7-1 14:10:24


本帖最後由 BU2BI 於 2013-7-1 15:02 編輯

消息來源:http://dx-world.net/2013/the-p5-project/#more-43037The P5 Project

Saturday Jun 29, 2013

PRESS RELEASE UPDATEP5 Project Team members Paul Ewing, N6PSE and David Flack, AH6HY have just returned from their extensive travels throughout the DPRK. Total distance covered was from Panmunjom at the DMZ in the South to Sonbong in the North, bordering China and Russia. Paul and David are among the first Western travellers to be allowed to enter the DPRK from Namyang and later exiting from Wonjong back into China.The purpose of the visit was to meet with DPRK Government Representatives in Pyongyang and to survey and assess various potential Dxpedition venues throughout the country. Particular attention was paid to terrain and the availability of reliable power.We are making further refinements to our proposals for a major Dxpedition. We will continue to communicate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications to further refine our proposals. Our goals are to provide a much needed P5 contact to the entire amateur radio community world-wide.We also enjoyed visits to several schools and we enjoyed the conversations that we had with the school children. We also were able to visit various factories throughout the country. Plans for a 2nd visit to the DPRK are already underway.We are very pleased at this time to announce our partnership with the Chinese Amateur Radio Community and their involvement in the P5 Project. We have invited Fan Bin, BA1RB to join the P5 Project Leadership Team and to represent the Chinese Radio Amateur Community in our project.Thank you,The P5 Project Leadership TeamN6PSE AH6HY YT1AD K3LP WD5COV BA1RB
據國外著名DX新聞網站DX World報導,中國的業餘無線電相關人士已參與到The Intrepid DX Group發起的即將在近年開始的最大的一次P5(朝鮮) DX遠征活動中,該組織已經邀請BA1RB擔任P5 DX 遠征隊的中方組長。
應該說這是一條爆炸性的DX消息,P5遠征很有可能像去年的7O6T(葉門)DX 遠征一樣隨時開始,而且這次他們打算在朝鮮連續操作一個月(分為兩大組op,每組op操作15天),值得期待啊!

BU2BF 發表於 2013-7-1 15:03:23


BU2BW 發表於 2013-7-1 15:20:30


BX2AB 發表於 2013-7-1 22:04:19

本帖最後由 BX2AB 於 2013-7-1 22:06 編輯

Bl就近打聽一下,我們可否以台灣HAM的身份去參加, 可行那就公德無量,阿密陀佛



BV2KS 發表於 2013-7-2 09:05:36

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