BU2CN 發表於 2015-2-14 09:35:54
K1N 搞一個指定通聯的計畫稱為ATNO
This means that you have NOT YET worked K1N on ANY BAND or ANY MODE. They WILL have the log at their fingertips, so please do NOT call them if you already worked them
小弟姑且稱其為3規計畫...在規定的日期 時間 頻率 K1N只會服務從未與他通聯過的電台..以下是放送計畫
1. 20M SSB 14/FEB UTC 1300-2400 頻點14.240上下對全球的ATNO電台服務
2. 日本亞洲大洋洲特別放送 15M SSB 14/FEB UTC 2200-2400 只服務這個區域的ATNO電台
原文如下或CHECK K1N的網頁.. 祝所有OM成功~
SATURDAY, Feb 14, will be WORLDWIDE ATNO DAY on 20M SSB between 1300-2400Z. 14.240 (plus/minus) will be our transmit frequency, listen for instructions. ONLY ATNO stations will be logged.
FRIDAY Feb 13 AND SATURDAY Feb 14 will be TWO JA, ASIA AND OCEANIA ATNO DAY operations on 15 meter SSB between 2200-2400Z. Frequency to be determined. ONLY JA-ASIA-OCEANIA ATNO stations will be logged. Times MAY be extended.
The 20 meter operation will have a worldwide focus. The two 15 meter slots were selected to help our friends in deep Asia and Oceania who have not been able to work K1N have a realistic chance to work Navassa for an all-time new one.
Other band operations will be occurring during these activities, and they will not be ATNO operations. But let's be fair at this point to make sure that the little pistols have a chance. It will be a VERY long time before Navassa comes back on the air.
Be aware that the team is beginning to dismantle, and prepare for final departure on Sunday. Some operators have already left.
See ya' in the Pileups!
Bob Schenck, N2OO
Chief Pilot, K1N - Navassa DXpedition